Saturday, November 29, 2008

Parker Thanksgiving Regatta

The Blue Water Casino in Parker, Arizonia hosted this boat race. Although the casino hasn't always been the host the race has been put on for the last 62 years. The race was a two day event, but I only went for the second day, when the hottest boats ran off for their prize money.

The race course was oval, and as I recall, a little over one mile. So I could easily see the boats going this way...

...and then that way.

One class, the cracker boxes, takes two to race. The class has been around for a long time and the second person used to be the engineer. Although the engineer no longer has any job to do, the racing class has retained them as tradition.

These cracker boxes look good on shore and in the water (above and below is same boat).

A few racers ran the course standing up (sometimes not for long).

This sign, next to the starters tower, I found most interesting...

...which made this driver even more interesting...

...and she wasn't the only female driver. There were several lady riders in the two classes of jet skis (stand-up and seated).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Riding Around Brenda

We've been here in Brenda, Arizona for 10 days now and it is time to share a few of the sights.

Went out on the ATV's with the "boys". They failed to tell me we were going to visit a hot overnight spot in the desert.

The place was well landscaped and spacious, with plenty of parking.

The B&B was already occupied, so we looked around a bit and then we hit the trail again.

On another trip we took the wives along. We didn't stop at the B&B, well you know how women are about B&B's, they would have had us making reservations.

The area we are in is mountainous, not what I think of when I think desert.

These teddy bear cholla cactus are prevalent but not popular. Their little babies fall to the ground and then the wind moves them around, including onto the ATV trails. Then we pick them up in our tires and it takes pliers to get them off. I haven't bumped into one yet, but I am told the experience is one to be avoided.

Can you see the wild life in this picture. I'll help you out, there is an eagle, an eagle chick, a bear, and a quail. Oh, I should also tell you it takes a little imagination since all the animals are rock shapes. Can't see them? Well maybe you have to get jarred on the trail for two hours to help spur your imagination (or make you delusional).

I don't want to forget to show the occasional living desert animal. This little hummer has been coming to visit us during happy hour each evening. That's right, they have happy hour on the desert too! We attempt to get happy for at least one hour each day. For some reason it usually ends up being more than an hour and includes a certain amount of stumbling when we get up to go home. Not to worry, we only have to stumble as far as to where we parked our ATV's, then we can drive the rest of the way.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Back in Brenda, Arizona

We are back in Brenda, Arizona, after an 1,850 mile drive. We left Indianapolis around noon on Friday, November 14th and arrived in our RV park around 6:30 PM on Sunday.

Although I didn't take the next two pictures, I present them to you as representative of some of the latest changes to the Indianapolis skyline. This first picture is from inside the new Lucas Stadium which just opened. It is the home of the Colts NFL football team. The roof rolls back to provide an open air venue for a football game (it isn't going to be open often with the weather in Indiana).

The is a shot of the new Indianapolis International Airport Terminal (aka Wier Cook International). The terminal opened to travelers on November 12.

This one I did take as we passed through Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque is famous for its balloon festival in the Spring. However, it is a popular ballooning area year round. As we were on I-40 going through town we began seeing balloons on the horizon. Once I finally got off the highway, most were out of range. However, this one balloon had lagged behind just so I could get a picture of a hot air balloon over the city.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mallow Run Winery

This is going to be a short one. We finally finished all the important tasks at the new condo in Indy, so we have now been trying to get with friends and family before we leave to go back out to Arizona. So, in that effort we took a trip with friends to a winery just South of Indianapolis.

This is the tasting house, shop, and restaurant.

Here goes the tasting, always a great way to find a wine for lunch (if you can find it before you have tasted tooooo many).

Now for lunch on the winery grounds, and that bottle we picked.

Of course what's a vineyard without rows and rows of grape arbors! That it for this blog, the next will probably be after we get back to Arizona.