Saturday, November 29, 2008

Parker Thanksgiving Regatta

The Blue Water Casino in Parker, Arizonia hosted this boat race. Although the casino hasn't always been the host the race has been put on for the last 62 years. The race was a two day event, but I only went for the second day, when the hottest boats ran off for their prize money.

The race course was oval, and as I recall, a little over one mile. So I could easily see the boats going this way...

...and then that way.

One class, the cracker boxes, takes two to race. The class has been around for a long time and the second person used to be the engineer. Although the engineer no longer has any job to do, the racing class has retained them as tradition.

These cracker boxes look good on shore and in the water (above and below is same boat).

A few racers ran the course standing up (sometimes not for long).

This sign, next to the starters tower, I found most interesting...

...which made this driver even more interesting...

...and she wasn't the only female driver. There were several lady riders in the two classes of jet skis (stand-up and seated).

1 comment:

Carolie said...


Thanks for the bracelelts. Do you have an e-mail address?