Jim and his father started the project in 1969 as a cabin. Jim's father bowed out of the project two years later and Jim has been doing it alone ever since.
There are a number of very good internet sites with info about the history of the castle, so I won't go into detail here. Info on those sites is at the bottom of the page.
I will relate one story that I didn't see published anywhere. I got this information from Jim (with his slant) and from some locals. In the Castle there are numerous signs relating Jim's personal views on politics and experiences with the local law enforcement persecuting him (according to Jim's version). So it goes that Jim was arrested and jailed by the local sheriff for some trumped up charges (for expressing the freedoms of his birthright). The real story is that Jim's dragon can belch fire. There was a burning ban in effect. The sheriff had repeatedly asked Jim to refrain from allowing the dragon to belch its yellow flame (from a propane burner). Jim insisted it was his (and the dragon's) right to light the night sky. The sheriff insisted that during a burning ban, it wasn't. The sheriff won.
Jim is a very good stone mason and iron worker. He built a marvel on a mountainside and kept it level. However, it is my personal opinion that if he ever put his level on his viewpoints he would find none that are remotely level. He is total disconnected with the real world. Enjoy the pictures and keep you head down in case the dragon belches.
This is Jim, resident mason, iron worker, tour guide, and story "yeller" (he doesn't tell, he yells). If you bring up politics then you should keep your head low...
If you are interested in more info just Google "Bishop Castle" or click on this link to one of the articles I thought was fairly good >>>>>> The Craziest Castle In Colorado.
Modern day Don Quixote...from and speach he gave in the movie with Peter O Toole ...What IS madness is it seeing things as they ARE or is it seeing things as they should be? Seems he is full of passion and HIS WORLD is very REAL. Wish we all could live with such passion, though perhaps there isn't room in this world for it.
I enjoyed Bishop's castle. It makes for a wonderful day trip and picnic spot, if you stay away from the nonapproved outhouse situation. Did you climb to the wobbly top?
It was definitely a special place...I went to the top of a tower that had interior steps...the open walkways gave me the jitters.
There is a difference between passion and lunacy...I think he is closer to the later.
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