Thursday, November 23, 2006

November 23 - Thanksgiving

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had one, thanks to the friends of the son of friends (that complicated enough for ya?). Anyway, we celebrated T-day with a group of very nice people in their home in Auhwatukee (a suburb of Phoenix). We ate the traditional T-day meal of way too much of everything. The food was wonderful and the company was excellent (and in my case the wine was flowing freely). The Thanksgiving picture is of the table before we ravaged it......

We are staying in an RV park in Mesa (another of the many suburbs of Phoenix). Our section of the park is called The Ranchos. We have a nice big paved site with a brick patio, a gas grill, telephone and cable TV included. It even has mail delivery right to our mailbox at the front of our site. We made our reservation for this site last April. It is in the East valley of the Phoenix metroplex which is the primary target of an estimated 300,000 snowbirds. For you non-RVers, snowbirds are winter guests to the area who are trying to escape the unpleasant weather of their home states.

It is really nice area, convenient to any kind of shopping you can imagine. There is plenty of entertainment within a 30 minute drive. The park we are in also books entertainment and one of the shows that we have made reservation for is Brenda Lee. Sure hope she hasn't lost her voice, but then what's the chance she'd book and RV park if she still

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