Monday, November 12, 2007

Big Bend NP – Chisos Basin

The Chisos Basin is exactly what its name describes, it a basin (like a bowl) surrounded by the Chisos Mountains. You stand in the middle of the basin at an elevation of 5,400 feet and look 2,000 feet up in any direction at the Chisos Mountains. I found the basin to be the most scenic spot in the park, probably because it had more green than the lower areas.

I am just going to spin around and take pictures in different directions so you can see a little of what I did.

Hope you enjoyed Big Bend National Park. Please forgive any haziness in the pictures. BBNP has become the worst for air quality, in terms of visibility impairment, of any western national park. About 50% of the haze is naturally occurring from dust, smoke from forest fires, etc. But the balance is man made with 22% coming from the eastern US (most of that from the Ohio Valley). Only 11% is caused by industry in Texas, 4% from western states, and 7% from Mexico.

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