Saturday, May 30, 2009


Indianapolis is my home town and may have been the birth place, temporary home, pass through spot (it is called the crossroads of America), after all, or a place you had to be at sometime during your life. So, here's a little look at Indianapolis now.

How about Indianapolis's most noted site (my choice, not necessarily the real one), the Soldier's and Sailor's Monument. It is located in the very heart of the city and is the zero point for all street numbering. Indianapolis is laid out like a wagon wheel, with the Monument at the hub and all streets radiating out from that point. It is decorated with lights each Christmas and annually becomes the tallest Christmas tree in the country.

The state capitol building (not much to say here).

The old train station(Union Station). Hasn't seen a train in many years, but some of the old sleeper cars where restored and put on the tracks inside the building. These became rooms in a hotel (originally a Holiday Inn, but I don't know if it is even still open).

The old Indiana Theater (with a ballroom on the top floor). A super place to see movies in my early days, and now is the home of the Indiana Repertory Theater.

A restaurant/bar that goes back may years. It was a meeting place for after work and a good place to hit for dancing at night. I have many fond memories of getting shot down in that place...

A much newer site is the Artsgarden, which spans two of Indy's busiest streets. It is a part of the Circle Center Mall, full of nice restaurants and upscale shopping.

The interior is very pleasant and spacious. Small groups from the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra can occasionally be found playing there.

And what would any big city be without it's street people.....
Don't be offended, this blog is for entertainment and thereby not held to the standards of political correctness.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My New Profession

My Oh My, it has been a long time since my last blog. I have even recieved a few inquiries wondering if I had passed on or.....

My apologies, but in my defense, I started the blog as a travel log, and we just aren't traveling much right now.

We are back in Indianapolis. We aren't off the road, but we are going to spend Spring and Fall here for a few years. That has lead to a number of remodel projects on the condo. So between the remodeling and making and selling jewelry, we have been really busy.

As you probably all know, I have succumbed to the jewelry making bug and now I am trying to catch and surpass Sharon who has been at it for nearly five years. Being competitive, I think I can do it, even with her headstart.

We have done two arts/crafts festivals, three flea markets, and one garage sale since we returned. We have two more shows (both three day affairs), two more garage sales (don't laugh, people will buy anything at a garage sale), and at least one private show for family and all laid out over the next five weeks.

Here I am at my table at our first festival, in Greenfield, Indiana.

And what is a jewelry maker without his shop. Here is ours, one of the remodel projects I mentioned.

And a closer look at some of the jewelry I have made in my new shop.

I am concentrating on working in silver, mostly leaving the beads and stitching to Sharon. I am trying to line up lessons from local artisans to coincide with our new scheduled stay here in Indy. Who knows, I may even get good at it........

I won't make any guarantees, but I will make a serious effort to get out and about in Central Indiana and have something worthy for the next blog.