Monday, July 12, 2010

Jeeps on Old Mining Roads

Four jeeps, with me riding shotgun jeep number 2, took off on the old mining roads in the many acres of USFS and BLM land between Ouray and Silverton, Colorado. This area is generally played out, but there are a few working mines in the area. It is lightly maintained in order to encourage the thousands of tourists who come to this area for trail riding (after the snow melts or is plowed away).

Shortly after starting our climb up into the old mining areas on Engineer Pass...
Did you spot me in the rear view mirror???

Still climbing...

Mineral Valley, once a home to many miners and a dozen or more mines...

Looking down into one of the valleys and some of the old mining roads...

Lunch break...

One of the many narrow one lane tracks across the mountains. Most go to small mines closed many years ago...

At the top of the world (or around 13,000 feet)...

Into every trail ride a little rain may fall (but it never slows 'em down)...

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