Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Quick Note From The Road

We are again on the road, leaving Colorado and heading for Indiana. So, here are a few pictures of our last days in Montrose.

Well, this first picture is actually from shortly after we arrived in Montrose. It is from our first trail ride of the summer. It is Sharon soaking here ankle after a minor ATV accident. As it turned out, the ankle was broken, but it is now about 8 weeks later and she is back on her feet.

She did get to ride one more time, the day before we left. This shot shows both of us during a break on that last ride. We were riding on Owl Creek Pass just above Silver Jack Resivior. Yes, I know that you can barely recognize me with that pot belly, but I intend to work on that upon return to Indiana.

And these next two pictures are holes 12 and 13 at The Bridges Golf Club, one of my favorite courses in the area. Actually they are all my favorites, but this one may be the most beautiful.

The first two pictures are courtesy of Jim Foster, the second two are courtesy of The Bridges Golf Club. Boy, this blog was easy, I didn't have to take any of the pictures.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Crested Butte, Colorado

Here we are, Crested Butte, Colorado, elevation 8885 feet. Yes, the air is thin. As with many Colorado towns, it was established in the late 1870's by gold and silver miners. Coal was discovered in the early 1880's and sustained the town for 60 years. In 1952 the last mine was closed. A ski area developed in 1962 marked the rebirth of Crested Butte as a tourist town.

The Chamber of Commerce and Vistor's Center.

The entire town was designated a National Historic Area in 1974. There are many restored buildings, tourists, and bicycles (there are bicycle racks all over town).

Tourists need places to sit, and there are plenty of those all over town too.

The town also boasts dozens (nay even hundreds) of flower baskets.

Here is a restored building that I believe was built in the 1880's as a Masonic Hall and is now a brewery. I'd say it has had a useful life, and only getting better with age.

Of course there are numerous places to eat, many with delicacies specific to this area. Like this little number, can you guess what it is? Yes, you're right it is elk giblets on a platter, but looks amazingly like pizza (don't ya think?).

The original Town Hall built in 1883.

The town is full of art studios (hey, its a tourist town), and street art.

Another restored dwelling, now a real estate office.

And what tour would be complete without a stop at the ole two story outhouse. It is believed that it was built like this because the snow got so deep that you could only get in to the door on the second floor. Ignore the Waste Management dumpsters, they weren't there 110 years ago when it was built.

Best to you all. We'll be leaving in about in less than two weeks, this may be the last post from Colorado.

Monday, August 9, 2010

2010 Ridgway Rendezvous

The Ridgway Rendezvous Arts and Crafts Festival is in its 26th year, and this was our 8th year in attendance. It has always been fun and we've watched it grow considerably in those years.

So here we go, pretty nice setting for a festival!!!!!!

Held at Ridgway, Colorado,in the town park. Ridgway is a small mountain town, turned hot for tourists. They boast old restored buildings (like the old firehouse) and the True Grit Restaurant named after the John Wayne movie of the same name. The restaurant was frequented by the cast and crew (including JW) during the filming of the movie (yes, it was filmed in the area around Ridgway).

There was live music, with groups changing about every hour. If you were patient their was eventually a group that played "your kind of music".

There were beautiful flowers everywhere (and not all of them were arts and/or crafts).

There was entertainment for the children.

Enough food vendors to satisfy almost every taste (even Thai and crepes) and.......

....comfortable places with good views where you could sit down and enjoy it.

A good time was had by all. Okay, so I didn't take a poll........but a good time was had by Sharon and I........everyone else can fend for themselves.