Monday, April 4, 2011

Wait a Minute, Winter's Over

Okay, I was telling you the day had been a little much. That is, the day we ate lunch at the Shaffer Hotel in Mountainair, New Mexico. That was yesterday.

So, it was windy, real windy, enough to jostle around even a 17,000 pound fifth wheel travel trailer. In New Mexico that also means it pushed around a lot of sand and dust. When we would get out of the truck, it felt like we were getting sand blasted. Add that there were also numerous wild fires burning in New Mexico and it seems they were all close to our route. At one point we were driving along US 60 in the northeastern quadrant of the state and the smoldering aftermath of one of the fires was right at the edge of the road. If I had gotten out of the truck and stepped off the berm, I would have stepped into hot ashes. There were still the occasional flames at the bases of the bushes (not much here qualified as big enough to be a tree).

So, I should quit wimping on about the day.......afterall we did find a great lunch stop. And you know, when we stopped for lunch it was about 80. When we stopped for the night in an RV park in Mountainair it was still in the 70's.

But, when I got up the next morning I had to deal with this.....

It was in the 90's when we left Mesa. We'd even already had one day at 100. This was a big adjustment!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You mean that you didn't find any burnig bushes or mighty messages!

Warren on the Road said...

The bushes were still smoldering, but not burning. As for messages, well I'm not sure I'd recognize one if it landed on me.

Anonymous said...

So, this just kind of through you into a desire to visit the Midwest...why? We had 65 on day and then snow that evening and the next day. Come on over and join us. PMA, Rick Marcum