Monday, August 29, 2011

Animals in the Park

Animals..........yep, but we'll get to them in a second. First let's see what it looks like up on Old La Veta Pass. You probably remember the ole pickup, it has been in many of the pictures over the last 8 or 9 years.

Anyway, the view from the old pass is why in the world anyone would even consider trashing it is beyond me. But, I guess it must have happened or the county wouldn't have felt the need for the sign.

Now it is time for the animals. The area around La Veta (Colorado) had only 1/3 of their average snowfall last winter and the spring and summer have been dry. Food is scarce and some of the smaller streams have dried up. We've had deer parading through the camp ground fairly regularly. They are munching on everything from the townies shrubbery to whatever grass is available in the fields.

We also have a family of four bears visiting our RV park, momma, poppa, and two cubs. There is a scarcity of natural bear food because of the dry conditions. This has made the bears bolder than normal, especially the cubs. The cubs have been parading through the campground during the early evening, during daylight and while people are out and about. They seem to get bold day by day. That may sound cute or adorable, but momma is always lurking close by and if anything should endanger her cubs she would be there in seconds. The offending dog, cat, or human might not fare so well.

The pictures of the cubs were taken while they romped within 10 feet of the door on my camper.

They eventually moved onto the next play area and pushed on this motorhome. There were some scratch marks where they had been, I am calling them claw marks!!!

The cubs finally had exhausted their allotted playtime. Momma then recovered her playful cubs and guided them back into some protective cover.....but they'll be back, they raid the bear proof dumpster several time a day. By the way, the dumpster is more human proof than bear proof. It takes momma bear half as long to get into it as it takes me.

That's my story and I am stickin' to it!!!!!!!!


p said...

Tha.ks your. Adventures..give Sharon. A star in her. Crown

Anonymous said...

Pat and bill Garrison