Friday, July 27, 2007

Chena Hot Springs

Chena Hot Springs Resort turned out to be a delightful spot to spend a day. The resort is 56 miles outside of Fairbanks and boasts a 160 degree hot springs. Electricity doesn’t make it that far out of Fairbanks, but the resort has gone with quite a high tech approach to that little difficulty. They generate their own power using low temperature power generators. How does that work you ask? Well, as far as I can tell it is thermal dyna-magic. No one was around who could explain it to me, but they seem to have all the electricity they need.

The hot springs isn’t all, this place is also the home to the Aurora Ice Hotel. The first one was built in the fall of 2003, but inadequate refrigeration brought about a melt down in the summer of 2004. Better refrigeration and ambitious ice artisans brought it back to life and it has been a big attraction since, year round. The new refrigeration system is a two stage ammonia absorption system using geothermal energy (the hot spring) and was the first in the world. By the way, I don’t know what that means, but it was really cold inside.

There are numerous ice carvings, like these jousting knights…

And this chess set with pieces coming to your knees……

And they are all maintained by two artisans who also make the glasses…….

For use at the martini bar……

Which, once you’ve downed a few, leads to the need to be led to your room (with its own ice bed). Of the four rooms only one has a toilet, which was also sculpted ice, even the seat. My guess is that no one has ever been brave enough to use it.

Just so you know that we survived the ice hotel, I thought I would show you the stop we made after we left there. This is the Howling Dog Saloon. The HD brags that it is the furthest North Rock and Roll bar in North America. I can tell you it is a lot warmer in there than the ice hotel and the bar maids don’t wear coats and gloves while they work. Actually I think the work uniform was more akin to a tight tee and a mini-skirt. Now that’s the way to run a bar!!!

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