Monday, July 16, 2007

Denali National Park and Preserve - Scenery

The park has only one road, which is 90 miles long and goes deep into the park. All of that road past the first 15 miles, for the most part, is only accessible by park shuttle. After mile 15 there are no park trails for hikers, so it is cross country or stay on the road, and most elect to stay on the road. This greatly reduces the impact that the large number of summer visitors have on the park and its animals.

The park scenery is DRAMTIC and beautiful. Take a look…


More Dramatic!!

Most dramatic!!!

AWESOME!!!!!!!! Mount McKinley (known commonly as Denali, the tall one) at over 20,000 feet high. The tallest mountain in North America.

And yet it has its delicate side too. This is Alaskan Fireweed, seemingly the most common wild flower in the area. It is edible, used as a green and the flowers are used in jellies. I chose to look and not taste.

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