Saturday, March 22, 2008

In The Boiling Pot

No we're not in a boiling pot, well, yes we were, but it was the Boiling Pot Restaurant. This place is across the road from the beach in Fulton, Texas (25 miles North of Corpus Christi on the Gulf of Mexico). It is a real hole in the wall complete with cinder block walls, a tin roof, and bikers. However, they do a great Cajun seafood boil.
As you can see, this place made us put on our happy faces.

No wonder. If you like Cajun and you like seafood, well you just couldn't help smiling.By the way, that's not a table cloth, it is butchers wrapping paper. And there are no plates, no utensils (except the mallet and a plastic fork), and they bring the food out in a pot and dump it on your table. When you are done they just wad the paper up with all the remains inside, put it in the trash can and recover the table with some more paper. Now that is ease of operation.

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