Friday, March 14, 2008

Just an Update

Time has slipped by, my last post was February 4th. It hasn't been because I have been too busy, but more on that later.

Here is a picture of the truck (just washed and waxed) and the trailer (just washed and waxed) sitting on our lot here in the RV park in Donna, Texas. Do you see the heat waves rising off the waxed surfaces? Okay, I don't either, but they should be there. The temperature when I took this picture (at 4:00 PM) was 102 degrees. Too hot for me, we will start our trek North in 7 days.Those trees off to the right are our own private ruby red grapefruits. We've eaten a lot of grapefruit this winter.

Okay, why so long between entries. Mostly because I like to blab about sightseeing and we haven't done much at all. This is not what I would call scenic country. It is just flat and warm and good for growing vegetable gardens. I guess maybe I could have taken pictures of the plentiful vegetable markets... I must give some credit to the area, though, the bougainvilleas are beautiful.

So, since I've been staying in a lot, I have been entertaining myself with new toys. Here is my toy play table (aka the dining room table).My new toys include include a digital picture frame, which also plays music recorded in MP3 format (cooool). A 500 GB external disk drive. Can you believe that? That is more storage than all the disks on the corporate system when I retired. And it is the size of a bag of tortillas (that is more suggestive of size to my Hispanic readers than others).

I have also acquired a Garmin handheld GPS including topo maps for the entire US. Now I am ready to go anywhere on my new ATV (which I have not aquired yet, but acquisition is eminent). Now the combination of these two should make for some great photo ops and some good blogs this summer.

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