Sunday, June 29, 2008

Running the Trails

You probably thought, by the title, that I took up running again. Noooo, now my trail running is done on an ATV. Yes that is me and my Grizzly, and yes, I know my waist line says I need to run for real. But I like this much better.

Today was a group ride from above Ouray, Colorado (the Switzerland of America according to the town's ad agency). We carted our ATV's up into the mountains on our backs (er, more like on the back of our pickups and trailers) and unloaded them so that we could gain 4-wheel access to the wilderness. Today's group totaled 7 people on 6 ATV's. The blue Grizzly in the foreground is mine. Sharon and her "bike" and another couple riding tandem were out of the frame to the left.

We went up, over rocks, through streams, and then up some more........until we hit the snow.

Then we went up some more, until we hit even more snow. Then we hit the wall of snow and there we stopped, short of our goal (the top of course). We make it past the 10,000 foot level, and in a few more days the road may be clear to the top.

Not all was lost for even though we could not reach our goal, who can complain about a view like this!!! Besides, the ride was fun, moderately challenging, and no one got hurt (even though Sharon tried to fly over her handle bars).

It is great to be able to start writing about fun events, fantastic scenery, and great times again. The last couple of months have been a bit trying, but it should be all up beat now. So, hope to be able to bring you plenty of great pictures and second rate chatter.

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