Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Owl Creek from ATV's

Another ATV trip, another location, but plenty of scenery. This ride was up county roads 8 and 10, and then into the backcountry around Owl Creek Pass. I have published fall pictures of this area with golden aspen throughout. That was from the county roads, these pictures are from way off the roads.

This picture was taken at the trail head to Wetterhorn Basin. The trail is for hikers only, so this is as far as we went along this path.

This picture was taken while standing in the same place as the previous picture, but in the opposite direction. Postcards in everywhere you look.

After 3 miles of rough trail riding we hit the river that feeds the Silver Jack Reservoir. And what did we find? Trout fishermen.

And look, they are catching trout. I think I may be back to this spot with my fishing gear.

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