Saturday, August 9, 2008

Up, Down, and Ooops

A small group of ATVers (Sharon and I included) recently spent a week in South Fork, Colorado. We were hosted by a great couple, Jim O and his wife Pat, who put us all up at their home. That's Jim O leaning over his ATV in the lower right of the picture. We are all gathered getting ready to head out.

We rode through a lot of varied terrain. Here it looks as though we are going trough a tobacco field. I'm not at all sure, but I think this may be Colorado Monument plant. I have no idea if you can smoke 'em.

We rode up hills. Hey, look at that. Its Sharon leading and I think that her right rear tire is off the ground. What a speed freak!!!

At the top I take pictures of the scenic views. Look carefully, you can nearly make out that I am the one in the mirror. Now you might believe that I am actually there on these trips. Then I have to run off and get ahead of the group so I can get pictures of them coming down the hill.

Ooops, I guess maybe I hurried a little too hard...........

Well, no more pictures on this run. I got thrown off and after a short flight through the air, I landed on my butt. Would've been better to land on my head, at least it had a helmet on it. So, for the rest of the ride my sore butt made it difficult to climb on and off the quad. So, I deferred picture taking to the others in the group.

Did I learn anyting from this? Yep, I learned that ATV's are vicious people crunching machines. If you get careless, inattentive, or as in my case, stupid, even for a split second, they can eat you alive. And my blooper occurred on an intermediate trail. Before our week was over we had rolled three, high centered three, and got one stuck between two I've got plenty more to tell you in future blogs.

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