Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another Side of ATVing

I usually post scenic and/or people pictures from the ATVing trips. I can't often get the really great pictures of something going wrong. That's because I am usually in the middle of whatever is wrong. Example: Recently a rider got his quad stuck in a mud hole by running up on a partially buried log. It would have been a great picture to see me up to my elbows in the mud hole, trying to lift him off the log while being sprayed by mud flying off the spinning tires. So, I'm gonna let my imagination loose and show you a few pics I have caught of others.

The following pics were taken on the trails. I made up the captions, and I maaaaay have exaggerated a bit....

Yes I'm sure this is it! The GPS says it's here, the map says it's here, this has to be the trail.....

Wow, sure didn't expect to find a car wash out here.......

I know I'm the leader, but next time one of you goes first!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I've got it now.....point it up hill, growl real big, then smash the gas pedal to the floor!

All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't pull Humpty's pick-up truck back on the trail again.

That's all folks!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Brings back some great memories! What fun.