Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hatfield McCoy Trails - 2010

This was my second trip to the Hatfield McCoy Trail System in West Virginia. This was a bit better than last year with no accidents, no mechanical problems, and no personality clashes. This made for two days of solid riding in which we cranked out over 240 miles on the trails. The overall trip was 4 days from Indianapolis, with two days transit time, one going and one returning.

Here we are, unloading the quads at the trailhead of Buffalo Mountain, one of the six large areas that make up the system. Notice how clean all the quads are!!!!! We rode here the first day and the Rock House trails the second. is "fearless leader", the only one to get stuck this year. I will have to say, he was the first one into the muck, so the rest of us knew where NOT to go.

Look, a classic picture, and you've all seen it repeatedly in my blogs. Yep, no matter whether you use dead reckoning, a map, or a GPS, the group never agrees about exactly where we are or how we should go about getting to the next stop. Maybe that is why we only have one leader, after all, someone has to have the final say.

This is a great part of the HM Trails, you can come down out of the mountains and go into a town for gas, food, parts, or a liquor store (we didn't do that, really we didn't...). Quads can use the local streets during daylight hours.

This is the Rock House Lodge, where we spent our sleepy time hours.

This is the street in front of our lodge, in Mann, West Virginia. It is very similar to the streets in every other of the small towns in the area. A depressed part of the country, where the primary employment is with the coal companies.

Take a look at the quads now, a good bit muddier than in the first picture.

This was a very enjoyable trip. The age range was wide, the riding experience varied, and the personalities were all unique. But we got along great, had wonderful weather (maybe a touch foggy in the mornings), and some good food (much of which was fried and came with gravy). I am sure all in this group are looking ahead to the fall of 2011.

If you are interested in more info, try this link>>>>> HatField McCoy Trail System


Anonymous said...

How high, the elevation, not the travelers and when do the colors change? Looks like a trek back into time. Really beautiful country! Please send some Indie fall pictures.

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