Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Has Sprung, Summer's Comin'

I was in the RV park in Mesa, AZ, sitting at the in-park, outdoor bar and grill, poundin' pounders and listening to the band play beach music.......

and it hit me............this view would make a great picture, where's my camera?????

Well, after a few pounders (16 ounce bottles of your favorite brew)I really could not find the motivation to get up out of my lounge chair and go get the camera. So, I had another pounder and went back the next morning to take the picture........

For many of you this picture must seem like heaven after the rotten winter that the east coast and mid-west have suffered. I hope that the scene alone can give you a lift of spirits. This weather (or something close) is headed your way.

By the way, we even had it bad (that's relative, of course) here. We had three nights in a row where the temperatures dipped into the mid-20's. That was complicated by a loss of electric power for the same 3 days. Now 20's aren't that bad........unless you furnace won't run. Of course there is an offsetting day coming our way. Next Wednesday's high temperature is supposed to be 90.

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