Thursday, July 14, 2011

Golden, Colorado

Since we are staying in Golden, Colorado, we thought we should visit the historic downtown area. So here we go, looking down one of the main streets.

And this is a shot down Clear Creek, which runs right through downtown. Gold was discovered along this creek and that was the reason the town of Golden came into existence. It was known as the Gateway to Gold.......or something like that, sorry not to be more accurate but I am distracted. Do you see that???? There is some kind of large building down stream....what could that be??? Omigod, that writing looks like "Coors"!!!!

Well, wasn't that interesting, a brewery is here in this town. No biggy, I think we'll just hop a tour bus and see what all is in this town.... This tour guide is really skipping by most of the scenic and historic parts of town. She seems hung up on talking about some guy named Adolph with a last name like Kerrs or something.

Oh, she must have meant Coors, Adolph Coors. I think we have been shanghaied, look where she is making us get off the bus........ the driver is now telling us that the only way she will take us back to our truck is if we agree to take a tour of the Coors plant.......

Okay, as you can see, I gave in and am now on the tour. These are copper kettles where they cook stuff.....

and this is the control room where they control the cooking of the stuff......

and this is the package line, where they package stuff......I couldn't see a control room so I guess this is out of control........

and this is.....oh, no, they're making Sharon drink the "demon beer" (fresh from the bottling line)........oh, there is some for me too........well, then that's okay.......

and look at this, there's a bar at the end of the tour......they call it a "tasting room", but I know a bar when I see one........well now maybe this isn't turning out so bad after all....

Please know that no barleys are injured or killed during the manufacture of Coors beers, they are however, thoroughly fermented!!!!!!!!

Coors and Miller merged in 2008 to become MillerCoors. If you would like some factual information about them (rather than the bull I just wrote) follow the link.

1 comment:

George said...

It's always a shame when one is forced to do something when one would really rather do something else. However, submission is easier than resistance!