Friday, January 26, 2007

Salt River Canyon

We recently took a sightseeing loop that carried us from Mesa to Globe, on to Show Low, next to Payson, and then back to Mesa (all in Arizona). This was close to 250 driving miles and carried us to elevations around 6,000 feet. That altitude took us into snow country. Where it snows there is more water than down in the desert and you have forests rather than just cactus. It is still arid country and the burn scars in the evergreen forests were prominent (much of it from fires two years ago).

Although it is scenic country, the most prominent natural wonder on this drive was the Salt River Canyon. Sometimes referred to as the mini-Grand Canyon (by the promotional writers for the Arizona Tourist Bureau), the canyon is over 2,000 feet deep.

The canyon is steep, rugged, and beautiful. Apparently it sits in Indian lands because there were several signs about entering or leaving one or another of the reservations of several tribes. Also, a dead giveaway was the Indian crafts and jewelry available at the rest stop at the bottom of the canyon.

More to come. "Quartzite", the desert home of 100’s of thousands of snowbirds.

For more info on Salt River Canyon link to this address:

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