Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Weather Alert

Yep, they can have cold weather in Phoenix too!!! Last Sunday there was snow on the ground in Mesa (a Phoenix suburb) and it landed on me. I think I heard the weather man say that the last time there was snow in the Phoenix metro area was 1997.

This can be a mind bending contrast. There was snow on the ground, but lemons in the trees. That has been a nice bonus on our walks. We can pick lemons, oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit as we walk around the park and surrounding area.

We took a drive to see the real snow. As we drove across an elevated stretch of US 60 East of Mesa I could look across the tops of palm trees and see snow on the foothills. It was a great picture, but the traffic was too intense to pull over and take it. Our trip along US 60 took us just North of Globe and barely into the mountains. The snow was about 4/5 inches at the stop where I took the picture.

On the way back from snow country we again passed through Globe and several other small communities. They are all supported by Phelps Dodge Mining. Copper seems to be the current leading mineral pulled out of the area.

Well, best to you all...

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