Friday, June 1, 2007

It Is Official

We are on the way! We passed through the Canadian Customs on the morning of Monday, June 1. We bumbled through the standard set of questions. You know the ones. Where are you from? Are you bringing any produce in with you? Are you carrying drugs? Do you have on board any firearms or RPG’s (rocket propelled grenades)? Of course I answered them all correctly as I am, after all, a college graduate.

We pulled on through and immediately stopped for a picture under the “Welcome to Canada” sign.
Now, since I seemed to be plagued by minor catastrophes lately, one was required to occur at this, the moment of the official start of the trip. So of course it did. The sirens started blaring. There was shouting and running and hands on holstered guns (or batons or mace or something) as officers poured out of every cranny.
You see, some poor misguided person (that’s polite for really stupid) tried to drive right on around the customs barriers and just go on their merry way without first answering those question I alluded to earlier. Well, you just don’t do that going into Canada, no sir.

Anyway, the guards got all wrongs righted and no one was shot or beaten with clubs (for this I was a bit disappointed as I was hoping for some more exciting pictures to send you all). Anyway, we are across the border and moving North. I will be sending pictures and more stories very soon.

By the way, the correct answers to those questions are "The US", "Only in my stomach", "Yes, my glaucoma medicine which I grow myself", and "No, I had them shipped ahead".

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