Monday, June 4, 2007

The Parks - Kootenay/Banff/Jasper

The chain of Canadian National Parks that straddles the line between British Columbia and Alberta contains a long stretch of the most beautiful mountains I have seen in North America. Now I am not the consummate expert but I have to say that these Canadian Rockies are magnificent. They are the Northern portion of the same Rockies that are in the US.

Kootenay, Banff, and Jasper National Parks are mountainous the entire way and I could in no way do them justice with my pictures. But I did pick one place along our route in each park that amazed me and here they are.

Kootenay – the entry was astounding. It was a gorge. The river that cut the gorge has been captured and contained but still roars under the road.

Banff – the glaciers. This one is Crow’s Foot.

Jasper – Athabasca Falls which cuts through some of the hardest rock in the park.

And the snow you saw wasn’t just on those peaks and glaciers. This is the picnic table at our campsite the first night in the parks.

This is a bonus shot. It is Mount Robson, which is outside Jasper park, but on our route. It is the tallest peak in the Canadian Rockies at 3954 meters (around 12,400 feet).

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