Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Windshield On The World - 01

As we travel, there are times when a picture pops up and there is not time to stop and take it or getting out of the car is inappropriate. So, sometimes the only picture is through the windshield. Thereby the name "Windshield On The World".

Spending many hours on the roadways leaves you open to delays. We've all been caught by this one. Often this involves waiting for the pilot car to lead you around the construction.

Sometimes the pilot car is not what you were expecting. This mountain sheep lead us for several hundred yards and then tried to take us off-roading (I declined to follow).

Here's a case where the flagger wanted to come over and chat, but I found it inappropriate to get out to talk. Actually I felt it was inappropriate even to leave the window down.

Sometimes a young person (or caribou) wants to cross the street. In most states pedestrians have the right of way, so I stopped.

And then there are times when the scenery is so breathtaking that it is hard to remember to keep you foot on the accelerator. That's been the cause of a lot of our delays while driving through Canada and Alaska.

By the way, these are pictures through my windshield, so the spots are bug splats, not a dirty lens.

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