Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Show Low, Arizona

Tomorrow morning we will leave our park here in Show Low and go East on the main street which is named Deuce of Clubs (also know as US Highway 60). But, I can’t leave without telling you the story of how Show Low got its name. You see, in 1876 two ranchers had laid claim to the same 100,000 acres. Their names were Corydon Cooley and Marion Clark. They agreed that the land would not support two families, but neither was willing to buy the other out. So………

……they decided to settle the matter by playing a game of Seven Up. They played at Cooley’s kitchen table. Clark was not faring well. He was holding a 3 (don’t ask, I have no idea how you play Seven Up, I only drink it with whiskey). So, seeing a way to win while he was down and almost out, he said “show low and you win the ranch”. Cooley drew the Deuce of Clubs. We’ve got a winner……..

He renamed the ranch Show Low and the road that went in front of his house to Deuce of Clubs. The town that later grew up along that road in front of his ranch also became known as Show Low.

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