Monday, April 28, 2008

Cripple Creek, Colorado

Here we go, dropping down into Cripple Creek. This was a gold mining town and made a few rich. I guess it is still that way for it is now a casino town. So, it still sends a very few away rich, but most leave broke and dejected.

Look down the main street and it seems a lot like many old towns. But, most of the buildings along the street are casinos.

When the conversion to a casino town started, the casinos were placed in rehabbed buildings, some of which dated back into the 1890's. One of my favorites is the Brass Ass, just for the name.

Gold was first discovered in 1878 by a ranch hand named Bob Womack. However, Bob must have been known as a story teller because no one believed him. It took him until 1890 to convince the necessary backers that he had actually found riches in the dirt. But, Bob was only one of the players, this mother and son played a big role too. Donkeys were vital to the mining operations, not only hauling goods, but also hauling ore to the surface from inside the mines. The poor donkeys were not treated well and as the claims were abandoned, so were the donkeys. Often they were left underground where they perished, but some were just turned loose. A few relatives of those released still roam the area.

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