Friday, April 25, 2008

Leadville, Colorado

Nicknamed Cloud City (because it sits at 10,152 feet?), Leadville is one of Colorado's famous (maybe infamous) old mining towns. In 1877 it was the best known silver mining town in the World. By 1890, thanks to it's more than 30,000 fortune seekers, it was the second largest city in Colorado. It was fairly sophisticated for a mining town and unexpectedly featured an Opera House.

It takes a long time for it to warm up at this altitude, as demonstrated by Sharon on the sidewalk. If you look closely at the other pictures you will see snow on the buildings and streets, as well in the background mountains. The high temperature was 32 today.

There are many old buildings that have been a part of the Leadville skyline since as far back as 1880.

Many of the old building in the city's heart have been handsomely refurbished, like the courthouse. Some of the old stately homes have been refurbished as well. However, the general area still shows signs of poverty and the scars of the old mines and their tailings are everywhere. Leadville also suffers from high levels of heavy metals in the water supply and this is constantly monitored.

Leadville is also known as the home of "Texas Jack" Omohundro. He, and his good friend and business partner Buffalo Bill Cody, started the first wild west show in America. He must have had a fast and exciting life because he didn't get to Leadville until he was 16, he started the wild west show at age 26, and he died there at the age of 33.