Sunday, April 20, 2008

Salida, Colorado #1

Here we are, sitting at another unplanned stop. The last one was just a week or so ago in Waco, Texas, over a truck problem. We are again stopped for the truck which is knocking and belching smoke. It appears to be cracked injectors. We also had a blowout on the trailer, so here we sit.

I guess we are lucky to be in Salida, even though the events that brought us here could not be considered as very lucky. This is one of the many Colorado small towns, nestled in the Rockies, that are great places to visit. It sits in a valley created by the Arkansas River. It is only 15 minutes to good downhill skiing at Monarch Peak. The river is perfect for kayaking, rafting, and fishing. There are plenty of old mining and logging roads for four-wheeling, and lots of hiking trails too. Of course, there are also plenty of good restaurants and family entertainments, because this is a tourist destination.

The town is really a classic. Many of the historic downtown buildings were built in the late 1800's (and most nicely restored). There are also many classic old homes, mostly stone and brick with plenty of gingerbread.

In Salida every view is a good view.

The old buildings are a treat to look at.

It is early enough in the season that few tourists have arrived. So, we had easy access to all the shops (well Sharon did, I was just drug along).

The Salida Hot Springs Aquatic Center. Pool temperature is in the 90's and is just over 100 degrees where the hot springs water enters.

This turned out to be my favorite place. It is the inside of the Victoria Bar and that is my Fat Tire in the foregound.

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