Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dennis Weaver Memorial

There is a monument to actor Dennis Weaver located near Ridgway, Colorado. He was a long time resident and well respected in the area. The land and monument were donated to the town by his surviving family.

Dennis was an environmentalist. His house in Ridgway was built partial below ground level for added insulation and most of the materials used were recycled.

Hey, Mr. Dillon, I'm aheadin' to the Long Branch Saloon to take a peek at Miss Kitty and get me a sarsaparilla, can I get yew one too?
By the way, as an item of interest, this wooden carving was stolen a day or so after we were there. No, you won't find it in the back of my truck (please don't lift that tarp).

You can click on the picture to enlarge the print.

What a well designed and pleasing monument.

You can click on the picture to enlarge the print.

We built a little shrine too.......harder than you'd think to get those rounded creek stones to stack!

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