Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Dollar Road

I am addicted to Last Dollar Road. It is a wonderful scenic drive. I have published pictures taken along this road before. But, I drove the road again and here are more pictures of its grand scenery.

The sky is big and blue, and the grasslands are lush.

The flowers are thick.

The aspen are tall.

The animals are friendly.........

and the women are eye catching (no, I didn't reverse the captions).

And you can see the city of Telluride across the valley, with the ski area behind the town.

This is a fun and eye pleasing drive in spring, summer, and fall. But, we have had the good fortune to meet a land owner along the road who is going to take us on a guided tour of his 2,500 acre ranch on our ATV's. Be assured that pictures of that ride will be published soon (mid-August).

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