Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dawn Patrol

The view from our hotel room was amazing.  The window directly faced the Fiesta grounds several miles away.  These pictures were all taken out that window.

The Dawn Patrol began at the Balloon Fiesta in 1978, when two California balloonists developed position lighting systems that allowed them to fly at night. Dawn Patrol pilots take off before sunrise and fly until it is light enough to see landing sites. Fellow balloonists appreciate the Dawn Patrol because they can watch the balloons and get an early idea of wind speed and direction at different altitudes.
Dawn Patrol

The Mass Ascension begins at daybreak.  They take off in 2 waves of up to 300 balloons.  Waves are required because even though the staging field is bigger than 54 football fields, it cannot accommodate all the participants at one time.
Mass Ascension

The prevailing low altitude winds brought the balloons right at us.
Closer and Closer
As the balloons begin to get into town, they began to split east and west, to allow themselves a better selection of landing areas.
Which back yard looks the biggest???

That doesn't mean they avoided town completely.  They landed wherever there was a spot big enough to accommodate them. 
Setting Down.
The people of Albuquerque love the Balloon Fiesta and the balloonists.  Many rush out of their homes or from local work places to help the balloonists land.

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