Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Glow

It is one of those "you had to be there", but the GLOW just after sunset is terrific (even that word is weak for how it appeared).  The Balloon Glow was invented at this event in 1979.  It is the visual effect brought on by the burners of 100's of balloons bringing the envelopes to life in full color.  There is music playing, balloons glowing and flickering, and tens of thousands of people milling around and sounding off with their delight.  I thought my wife would jerk my arm off spinning me around and around to "get a picture of that one".

It is hard to imagine how the balloonists synchronize their light show, but they manage.  As a spectator you can just barely hear the countdown to the different burns they do, but the pilots couldn't possibly hear over the roar of the burners.  But it happens and it is glorious.

It was a cool evening when I saw this, probably in the middle 50's.  However, after the first 5 minutes of the GLOW, the temperature on the field had risen by 15 degrees.  The 250 to 300 balloons participating where dumping a lot of propane into the show.......and it was worth it.

Enjoy the pictures, sorry they are inadequate to really make you feel the show.  Ya had ta be there!!!

Read more about the GLOW>>>> Balloon Glow

And fireworks too..........

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