Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Mass Ascension

The mass ascension begins just after dawn.  The Dawn Patrol has been gone for 30 to 45 minutes and the pilots have a good idea of the prevailing winds.  The first wave beings filling their envelopes.  Launching begins at the north and south ends of the field simultaneously, meeting in the middle.  It is monitored very carefully by Launch Directors (aka Zebras because of the black and white striped uniforms they wear).  As the first wave takes off, the second moves onto the field and lays out their balloons.

I really don't know how long it took to launch all the balloons, probably 90 minutes to 2 hours.  I just never looked at my watch, I was too fascinated by the sights.  However, I did get a crick in my neck.

The only way to get a better vantage point for the ascension than from the field would have been to be in one of the balloons.  In retrospect, I would do that if I ever go to another Fiesta.

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